Monday, December 5, 2011


We are learning sign-language!  Ever since I was a little kid and a friend's sister was hearing impaired, I have wanted to learn sign-language.  My friend taught me a little bit so that I could communicate with her little sister but really just the basics and it has been over 25 yrs ago so I really don't remember much.

Now that I am homeschooling, I have been looking for different subjects to teach my girls.  I really want them to be able to speak or converse in another language.  They have both been doing a Spanish curriculum on our "school"days at the church but I have had this nagging desire for us all to learn signing.  I found a wonderful curriculum online that is FREE! Yes, I said FREE, and we started today. 

I explained to my girls that to me sign-language is a language of love.  I am very excited about this and we have a goal of being able to sign the song "I Love You Lord" in church someday soon. Thank you Lord for giving us more than just our mouths to speak!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I have to say that I am loving homeschooling my girls.  I am still figuring stuff out like curriculum (or even if I want to use a "curriculum") schedules, philosophies and so forth.  I am a researcher by nature and so I spend hours looking things up on the computer, reading books etc.  But I have such a peace in my heart concerning all this and I am finding that the possibilities are endless. I have been researching topics like "unschooling" which I have to admit that when I first saw that topic I about freaked!  But as I started going through the philosophy behind it, I realized that I actually agree with a lot of it. 

I have also realized that I can do this and I can develop my own practices that suit my children.  Kids are different and I think one of the reasons why I wanted to home school was that I want to embrace my kids' differences instead of try and conform them to fit in a mold.  I also don't believe that it is healthy to make kids sit for 6-8 hours a day and cram them full of information and expect them all to grasp this and use it.  God made a wonderful world for us to explore and I want that to be what my children learn.  I didn't dislike learning when I was in school but I did hate school which hampered my ability to learn.  I want my kids to be like sponges and want to absorb all that they can.

I am really excited about our new adventure and I know that my kids are as well.  They love going to the library, zoo, museums and the park.  They love the idea of doing math on the swing set or English in the corner of the closet with a flashlight like they were hiding out.  A good education can come in so many forms and I believe the Lord is showing me right now what is good for my family.  Homeschooling is not for everyone I know but if children are struggling in school it may be an option to look at - for me and my family, I LOVE IT!!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Embracing Differences

I am a homeschooling mom these days.  I have two extremely different daughters, they are 6 yrs apart and complete opposites.  This is the first year that I am really trying to teach my 6yr old.  She has been going to school since she was born (I work at our church and we had a school there up until this year) but now that she is "of age" to be in kinder we are trying to get across to her that she needs to actually do school not just be in school.

She is a little on the strong-willed, ADHD side of the spectrum, at least compared to her sister who can work independently for hours without even a whisper.  The 12yr old's philosophy is "Get 'er done" whereas the 6yr old's philosophy is "Why?" In the time that I have spent writing this blog, the 12 yr old has completed 2 subjects, the 6yr old 1 math problem, ugh!

I need to figure out what works for her and her way of thinking, God made her this way for a purpose and I need to cultivate the good parts and weed out the negative in order for her to blossom.

Lord, help me!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Uniquely Created

We discovered a few years ago that our oldest was a little more unique then other children her age.  We went through our share ups and downs, our share of "Why?" and "How?" and our share of specialists, therapies and testings. 

What we have learned is that, we still don't have answers to the "Why?" or "How?" but that is OK.  We realize that she was created with God knowing that this would happen and He chose her for a special reason.  She is delightful, compassionate and the friendliest 12yr old I've ever met.  She has a neuromuscular disorder called Hypotonia and an auditory processing disorder referred to as CAPD.  She has had to go through several years of PT and OT to get her body caught up with her age.  She is very smart and learns differently then other kids her age so we have decided to home school her and her sister so that we can cater more to her needs in learning.

This blog is to share with others the grace that God has given us in realizing that there is no such thing as a "normal child".  All children are unique and special.  In this blog, I am also going to encourage her to share with you her feelings about how she is unique and I would love to hear from others who have the wonderful blessing of raising children.