Learning Differences

One of the biggest reasons that we have chosen to home school is the simple fact that my children, like many children, learn a little differently than other children.

Learning differences seem to be on the rise these days and can encompass anything from ADHD to CAPD to Autism to OCD etc. Within all these categories are subcategories or variations/degrees of these differences.  I don't like to call them disabilities because they don't have to disable the learning process they just challenge the common practices that have been put into place.

Defining a child as Normal, Delayed,or even Gifted is a major concern of mine and I really feel like a lot of negative attitudes exist these  days due to these definitions.

My children both have CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder) and one is ADD and the other has OCD tendencies.  They both have very high intelligence levels despite these differences.

It is important to me that we bring them through their schooling years with a love of learning and bringing them to their full potential.  We try many different ways of learning and figure out what works for each of them (which are very different).  I also feel that it is important to challenge and expose them to learning styles that will be more difficult for them, if we don't try than they will get stuck in a rut so to speak.

I want them to experience other learning styles and figure out how they can adapt to this style and learn from it. Nothing in life is easy but there are always solutions for dealing with difficulties.  This is true in learning and in other areas of life.

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