Thursday, January 15, 2015

Grand Ideas

Well, even though it is January of 2015 and I am barely now writing about our school year, it has been going pretty smoothly.

I have just had a lot on my plate and have to daily make those priority choices.

But I did want to share some of the stuff we are trying this year.  I feel good that I am figuring some things out with the girls and what is available to us. This year my focus for my sophomore is college prep and life skills.  Reality is sinking in that I only have 2 more years with her and there is a lot that I want her prepared for.

So for my Sophomore:

Algebra through Saxon - she is a little behind but I am more concerned with the fact that she understands what she is learning vs completing the levels. We pretty much will do math year round.

English - She is writing reports on just about everything.  Plus I have her going through a couple of different essay and poetry books.

Chemistry 101 is awesome

Spanish through Rosetta Stone

and the two that I am thrilled about:

American History through Hillsdale College - these are free classes that can be taken online.  Since they are free you can't get college credit for them but they will send you a certificate of completion which can go in her portfolio. I also like that she is getting some experience with a college level lecture and quizzes.  Here is the link

Bible College through AISOM (AMES International School Of Ministry) - these are free Bible classes (although you can pay for them and get credits for them).  It is a neat self-paced program and although my focus right now is that she is learning - we have the option in the future to pay for them and then she can go on to AMES Christian University and get her Bachelors in one of the areas of ministry that they offer.  I am also currently enrolled. Here is the link

So that is majority of what my oldest is working on.  I throw in different reports and activities for her in addition to daily reading and devotions.

Next time I will talk about my 3rd grader!

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