Saturday, December 28, 2013

Now is the time...

As you recall back in July I was pretty excited about the plan - well, I still am, sort of...

I think it is going really well this year and the girls seem to be on track.  But there is still something missing.  I am not totally sure what, well maybe I do.  I think what is missing is Joy, yep that's it.  We are definitely missing the Joy of learning.

Things have come up since my last post and now we are adapting to something new again.  We have set schedules and for the most part have stuck to them but I have to say that being flexible is the best plan of all.

We have decided to take the month of December off - completely.  We are so busy in getting ready for Christmas and I have added duties with work for this month that it just makes sense.  We are in the kitchen constantly with baking and crafts.  We are watching wholesome Christmas movies and attending different holiday events. I feel pretty good about all this.  I also told the girls that if we work really hard the rest of this semester that we will also take the month of June off.

Now to figure out the Joy part.  I think that I am going to be shifting gears again.  I think I have chosen really good curriculum this year but I am really feeling like God wants me to not rely so much on the curriculum but on Him and my time.

We haven't been to the library yet this year, we haven't been on any field trips, we haven't even had a picnic yet. Those are all things that bring joy.  I think I am still in the mindset that school has to be about Math, English, Science and History vs learning, just learning!  I figure now is the time to maybe change things up a little and see how it goes.  I want piano, Spanish, sign-language, reading (lots of reading) and other "Electives" to play bigger parts in learning. Not sure yet how I am going to do this but that is what I want.

I am also pursuing  homeschooling for free (or more frugally) there is so much out there that is more cost effective it just requires a little more time and effort on my part. If we save money on these we will be able to  have more in other areas - like actually taking a vacation.

I'll let you know how things are going :)

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